Matlab toolbox for separation of convolutive mixtures

  Getting started
Toolbox main page
How to use the toolbox
  Getting started
  Parameters/advanced usage
Separation algorithm
  The deflation method
  Contrast functions

Getting started

After downloading the toolbox, unzip it and launch Matlab. Don't forget to move to the path containing the toolbox m-files.

Demonstration with no graphical interface

This is recommended if you want to have a more advanced usage of the programs. Type
at the Matlab command line to run the corresponding script and demonstration.
A convolutive mixture with real-valued stationnary sources is simulated and you may test different programs for separation.
For a more advanced usage, see the script in the corresponding m-file.

Demonstration with graphical interface (case of cyclo-stationnary sources)

The methods corresponding to the case of cyclo-stationnary sources have been included in a program with a graphical interface. The methods valid for the stationnary case only are not available under the graphical interface.
  • If you want to test the methods for cyclo-stationnary sources, just type
    in the matlab command window to launch the graphical interface and test the toolbox. Note that you can redo the simulations described here.
  • If you want to use the graphical interface to separate your own mixtures, you need to use a global variable named GMixt to stack your mixture observations. To do that, you can use the following commands:
    global GMixt; 
    GMixt = x;
  • If you want that the algorithm use some cyclic frequencies to perform separation, (see help for more details), you can either:
    • Use the cyclic frequencies detector provided by the script
    • Edit manually the cyclic frequencies (second step of the demonstration script)
    • Pass them as a global variable: You may then use the following code:
      global FreqCycl; 
      FreqCycl = MyCyclicFrequencies;
      And in the second step of the demonstration script, you write FreqCycl in the edit field.
      Note that the technique is used by the demonstration script for the first kind of demonstration signal proposed (the foetus ECG signals).
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