Regional Internet Registries Statistics

RIR Delegations & RIPE NCC Allocations

Greenland (GL) - IPv4 address statistics - Sorted by number of addresses

Data from RIPE NCC website as of: Thu Apr 18 2024

Total number of addresses: 34 304

Rank Local Internet Registry (LIR) LIR Code Number of addresses Percentage LIR Info
1 Tusass A/S gl.tele 28 160 82.090 % LIR Info
2 inu:it a/s gl.inuit 3 072 8.955 % LIR Info
3 Comby A/S gl.comby 2 048 5.970 % LIR Info
4 Nanoq Media gl.nanoqmedia 1 024 2.985 % LIR Info