Research activities

My research since the beginning of my thesis focused on three main goals: designing a software architecture (GRWA) to develop applications based solely on remote writing; designing a tool (CAPE) for running an OpenMP program on a distributed memory machine; a tool (MPIPP) to automatically generate MPI derived data types in a completely transparent manner based on their description in C language. This work responds to a more general motivation: on the one hand, to make parallelism (or least, parallel programming) accessible to as many people as possible, and in particular to non-computer scientists (for example, biologists and physicists who are heavy users of computing power, but who do not necessarily have time to invest in thorough understanding of parallel machines); and on the other hand, find lightweight solutions to be used on systems with strong constraints of memory, time, etc. This last point is at the origin of the various works that I carried out these last years in the field network, in particular on the mobile networks and of sensors.