Mixing NRELab’s Antidote and Eclipse Che on the same k8s cluster

You may have heard of my search for Cloud solutions to run labs in an academic context, with a focus on free an open source solutions . You may read previous installments of this blog, or for a shorter, check the presentation I’ve recorded last week.

I’ve become quite interested, in the latest month, in 2 projects: NRELab’s Antidote and  Eclipse Che.

Antidote is the software that powers NRELabs, a labs platform for learning network automation, which runs on top of Kubernetes (k8s). The interesting thing is that for each learner, there can be a dedicated k8s namespace with multiple virtual nodes running on a separate network. This can be used in the context of virtual classes/labs where our students will perform network labs in parallel on the same cluster.

Eclipse Che powers Eclipse “on the Cloud”, making available software development environments, for developers, on a Kubernetes Cloud. Developers typically work from a Web page instead of installing local development tools.

Both projects seem quite complementary. For one, we both teach networks and software developments. So that would naturally appeal for many professors.

Furthermore, Eclipse Che provides a few features that Antidote is lacking : authenticating users (with keycloak), and persisting their work in workspaces, between work sessions. Typically what we need in our academic context where students will work on the same labs during scheduled classes, week after week, during or off-hours.

Thus it would be great to have more integration between the 2 environments.

I intend to work on that front, but that takes time, as running stuff on Kubernetes isn’t exactly trivial, at least when you’re like me and want to use a “vanilla” kubernetes.

I’ve mainly relied on running k8s inside VMs using Vagrant and/or minikube so far.

A first milestone I’ve achieved is making sure that Antidote and Eclipse Che aren’t incompatible. Antidote’s “selfmedicate” script was actually running inside a Vagrant VM, where I had difficulties installing Eclipse Che (probably because of old software, or particular networking setup details). I’ve overcome this hurdle, as I’m now able to install both environments on a single Kubernetes VM (using my own Vagrant setup).

Running Eclipse Che (alongsite Antidote) on a k8s Vagrant VM.

This proves only that there’s no show stopper there, but a lot of work remains.

Stay tuned.

Update: I’ve finally managed to get it to work on the antidote-selfmedicate base too. See my branch at: https://github.com/olberger/antidote-selfmedicate/tree/che

One thought on “Mixing NRELab’s Antidote and Eclipse Che on the same k8s cluster”

  1. Merci de m’avoir fait découvrir NRELabs qui ressemble bien à l’alternative à Katacoda que je cherchais depuis belle lurette.

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